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In what cases is an opinion given regarding the need for special care?

The State Commission of Doctors for the Assessment of Health Status and Work Capability (hereinafter - VMK) provides an opinion on the need for special care (hereinafter - opinion for special care) in accordance with Cabinet Regulation No. 805 of 23 December 2014, Regulations regarding the issuance of a document attesting to predictable disability, disability and loss of capacity and disability "

  1. for a person under 18 years of age - in conformity with the diseases and pathological conditions defined in Annex 4, Chapter II of these Regulations.
  2. for a person from 18 years of age for whom I Disability Group has been determined - in conformity with the preconditions of Annex 8 to these Regulations:
    1. 24-hour assistance and monitoring is required due to the limitation of mental capacity, if the treating psychiatrist has identified stable, non-adjustable behavioural disorders for the person, which cause the person to endanger the health, safety or life of his or her or other persons, or
    2. the assessment of self-care, mobility and activities related to home life is lower than 7 points (the assessment shall be carried out at the request of the SMC by a social worker of the local government social service or an ergotherapist of the local government social service).

The opinion for special care is given at the same time as the decision on disability. When making a decision on disability, the SMC simultaneously evaluates the compliance of the person's health and functional status with the criteria for issuing an opinion on special care. If an opinion on special care has not been provided when making a decision on the determination of disability, it can be requested after the decision has been made by submitting an application.

If when determining disability, the person's health and functional status do not meet the criteria for special care needs, but during the period of disability, the person's health and functional status changes or significantly deteriorates, after receiving a person's application, the SMC conducts a repeated expert-examination to determine the indications for the need for special care.

What kind of support can a person claim when receiving an opinion for special care?

A person who grooms a child with disabilities and has been issued an opinion for special care shall have the possibility to request special care allowance in the State Social Insurance Agency (hereinafter - SSIA). Detailed information on the benefit is available on the website “Child with Disabilities Care Benefit”.

To receive the service of an assistant in the municipality for a child between the ages of five and 18 (not included) due to severe functional disorders. Detailed information on the provision of assistant services in municipalities is available on the website of the Ministry of Welfare "Assistant service in municipalities for people with disabilities".

The possibility of applying for special care allowance to the SSIA shall be for a person who:

  • exceeding 18 years of age and requiring special care as a result of severe malfunctions.
  • is over 18 years of age and requires special care due to severe functional disorders, and the cause of the person's disability is an illness from childhood.

Detailed information is available on the SSIA website "Benefit for a person with a disability who needs care".

Detailed information on the benefit is available on the website “Benefits for a disabled person in need of care”.